651st |
- Mor: 1st
- Farmor: 38st
- Farfarsmor: 130st
- Morfarsmor: 28st
- Farfarsfarmor: 318st
- Farmorsfarmor: 50st
- Morfarsfarmor: 65st
- Mormorsfarmor: 21st
Sto efter Diamond
![Födelseland us](../../images/flags/us.gif) Morgan |
e. Diamondxx u. Sto efter Sportsmanox ue. Sportsmanox |
U897 - Sto efter Diamond Amerikanska stofamiljer varmbl. travaren, Varmblodig Travare |
633st |
- Mor: 1st
- Farmor: 51st
- Farfarsmor: 212st
- Morfarsmor: 21st
- Farfarsfarmor: 210st
- Farmorsfarmor: 17st
- Morfarsfarmor: 110st
- Mormorsfarmor: 11st
Fisk Mare
![Födelseland --](../../images/flags/--.gif) Berber |
471st |
- Mor: 6st
- Farmor: 56st
- Mormor: 6st
- Farfarsmor: 95st
- Farmorsmor: 3st
- Morfarsmor: 54st
- Mormorsmor: 5st
- Farfarsfarmor: 65st
- Farmorsfarmor: 37st
- Farmorsmormor: 11st
- Morfarsfarmor: 89st
- Morfarsmormor: 3st
- Mormorsfarmor: 39st
- Mormorsmormor: 2st
![Födelseland us](../../images/flags/us.gif) Morgan |
e. Ethan Allen III u. Lady Laura ue. Bob Morgan |
426st |
- Mor: 2st
- Farmor: 92st
- Farfarsmor: 118st
- Morfarsmor: 25st
- Farfarsfarmor: 115st
- Farmorsfarmor: 16st
- Morfarsfarmor: 49st
- Mormorsfarmor: 9st
Queen of the Neckxx
![Födelseland --](../../images/flags/--.gif) Engelskt Fullblod |
f.1825 163cm |
e. Captain Absolutexx u. Sultanaxx ue. Loftyxx |
303st |
- Mor: 1st
- Farmor: 20st
- Farfarsmor: 65st
- Morfarsmor: 21st
- Farfarsfarmor: 98st
- Farmorsfarmor: 16st
- Morfarsfarmor: 61st
- Mormorsfarmor: 21st
Mrs Culvers
![Födelseland us](../../images/flags/us.gif) Saddlebreed |
e. Harrison Chief u. Billie Cabell ue. Cabells Lexington |
262st |
- Mor: 1st
- Farmor: 14st
- Farfarsmor: 53st
- Morfarsmor: 14st
- Farfarsfarmor: 105st
- Farmorsfarmor: 8st
- Morfarsfarmor: 53st
- Mormorsfarmor: 14st
Fanny Scott
![Födelseland us](../../images/flags/us.gif) Morgan |
e. Revenue Jrxx u. E. W. Hughes' bruna sto ue. Son of Copperbottom |
252st |
- Mor: 1st
- Farmor: 41st
- Farfarsmor: 71st
- Morfarsmor: 20st
- Farfarsfarmor: 57st
- Farmorsfarmor: 22st
- Morfarsfarmor: 30st
- Mormorsfarmor: 10st
Sto efter Henry Dundasxx
![Födelseland gb](../../images/flags/gb.gif) Engelskt Fullblod |
e. Henry Dundasxx u. Sto efter True Britonxx ue. True Britonxx |
252st |
- Mor: 2st
- Mormor: 9st
- Farmorsmor: 56st
- Mormorsmor: 11st
- Farfarsmormor: 95st
- Farmorsmormor: 19st
- Morfarsmormor: 54st
- Mormorsmormor: 6st
Lady Laura
![Födelseland us](../../images/flags/us.gif) Morgan |
e. Bob Morgan u. Laura ue. Morgan Tiger |
237st |
- Mormor: 2st
- Farmorsmor: 92st
- Farfarsmormor: 118st
- Morfarsmormor: 25st
![Födelseland --](../../images/flags/--.gif) Engelskt Fullblod |
e. Loftyxx u. Sto efter Saunders Wildairxx ue. Saunder's Wildairxx |
201st |
- Farmor: 2st
- Farfarsmor: 39st
- Farfarsfarmor: 130st
- Morfarsfarmor: 29st
- Mormorsfarmor: 1st
Betty Leedsxx
![Födelseland gb](../../images/flags/gb.gif) Engelskt Fullblod |
f.1760 152cm |
e. Babrahamxx u. Sto efter Bolton Starlingxx ue. Starlingxx |
Fullblodsfamilj 39 Engelska fullblodsfamiljer, Engelskt Fullblod |
199st |
- Mor: 5st
- Farmor: 17st
- Mormor: 1st
- Farfarsmor: 29st
- Farmorsmor: 2st
- Morfarsmor: 28st
- Farfarsfarmor: 24st
- Farmorsfarmor: 50st
- Morfarsfarmor: 18st
- Morfarsmormor: 2st
- Mormorsfarmor: 23st
Black Bess
![Födelseland us](../../images/flags/us.gif) Morgan |
e. Jubilee de Jarnette u. John Hoover Mare ue. Tom Corwin |
198st |
- Mor: 1st
- Mormor: 1st
- Farmorsmor: 38st
- Farfarsmormor: 130st
- Morfarsmormor: 28st
Sto efter Sportsmanox
![Födelseland --](../../images/flags/--.gif) Arabiskt Fullblod |
e. Sportsmanox |
185st |
- Mor: 2st
- Farmor: 22st
- Mormor: 7st
- Farfarsmor: 23st
- Farmorsmor: 20st
- Morfarsmor: 12st
- Mormorsmor: 7st
- Farfarsfarmor: 23st
- Farfarsmormor: 3st
- Farmorsfarmor: 12st
- Farmorsmormor: 4st
- Morfarsfarmor: 17st
- Morfarsmormor: 25st
- Mormorsfarmor: 4st
- Mormorsmormor: 4st
![Födelseland us](../../images/flags/us.gif) Morgan |
e. Senator Knox u. Daisy de Jarnette ue. Jubilee de Jarnette |
1845--01 - Daisy Morgan stofamiljer, Morgan |
181st |
- Mor: 1st
- Farmor: 21st
- Farfarsmor: 14st
- Morfarsmor: 20st
- Farfarsfarmor: 10st
- Farmorsfarmor: 75st
- Morfarsfarmor: 13st
- Mormorsfarmor: 27st
Kitty Thurber Wiggins Mare
![Födelseland --](../../images/flags/--.gif) Morgan |
e. Cushings Green Mountain u. Stephen Thurber Mare ue. Black Morgan II |
168st |
- Mor: 1st
- Farmor: 32st
- Farfarsmor: 38st
- Morfarsmor: 19st
- Farfarsfarmor: 16st
- Farmorsfarmor: 13st
- Morfarsfarmor: 33st
- Mormorsfarmor: 16st
Allen Mare
![Födelseland --](../../images/flags/--.gif) Morgan |
e. Matthew Allen Stallion u. Sto efter Justin Morgan ue. Justin Morgan |
166st |
- Mor: 1st
- Farmor: 8st
- Farfarsmor: 52st
- Morfarsmor: 3st
- Farfarsfarmor: 41st
- Farmorsfarmor: 3st
- Morfarsfarmor: 57st
- Mormorsfarmor: 1st
Stephen Dow Mare
![Födelseland us](../../images/flags/us.gif) Morgan |
e. Ethan Allen u. Jennie ue. Hales Green Mountain Morgan |
162st |
- Mor: 5st
- Farmor: 5st
- Mormor: 11st
- Farfarsmor: 16st
- Farmorsmor: 12st
- Morfarsmor: 2st
- Mormorsmor: 7st
- Farfarsfarmor: 28st
- Farfarsmormor: 14st
- Morfarsfarmor: 28st
- Morfarsmormor: 11st
- Mormorsfarmor: 6st
- Mormorsmormor: 17st
![Födelseland us](../../images/flags/us.gif) Morgan |
e. Billy Bodette u. Al Hastings Mare ue. Billy Folsom |
1845--01 - Daisy Morgan stofamiljer, Morgan |
155st |
- Mor: 3st
- Farmor: 26st
- Mormor: 1st
- Farfarsmor: 39st
- Morfarsmor: 9st
- Farfarsfarmor: 44st
- Farmorsfarmor: 7st
- Morfarsfarmor: 19st
- Mormorsfarmor: 7st
Fanny Cook
![Födelseland us](../../images/flags/us.gif) Morgan |
e. Abdallah u. Sto efter American Star ue. Stockholms American Star |
U139 - Fanny Cook Amerikanska stofamiljer varmbl. travaren, Varmblodig Travare |
150st |
- Mor: 1st
- Farmor: 43st
- Farfarsmor: 31st
- Morfarsmor: 15st
- Farfarsfarmor: 11st
- Farmorsfarmor: 13st
- Morfarsfarmor: 28st
- Mormorsfarmor: 8st
Nathan Whitcomb Mare
![Födelseland us](../../images/flags/us.gif) Morgan |
f.1820 142cm |
e. Woodbury Morgan u. Sto efter Justin Morgan ue. Justin Morgan |
146st |
- Mor: 2st
- Farmor: 36st
- Farfarsmor: 17st
- Morfarsmor: 27st
- Farfarsfarmor: 5st
- Farmorsfarmor: 21st
- Morfarsfarmor: 17st
- Mormorsfarmor: 21st
Aldrich Mare
![Födelseland us](../../images/flags/us.gif) Morgan |
e. Justin Morgan |