Jeanie Shielsxx
Engelskt Fullblod
Om Jeanie Shiels själv
Jeanie Shiels
- Född: 1907
- Ras: Engelskt Fullblod
- Härstamning: e.Galashiels u.Morris Tube
- Avkommor i katalogen: 1 st
På mammans sida
Modern Morris Tube
- Född: 1898
- Ras: Engelskt Fullblod
- Härstamning: e.Carbine u.Ardkinglass
- Avkommor i katalogen: 1 st
Mormodern Ardkinglass
På pappans sida
Fadern Galashiels
Farmodern Thebais
45 starter: 27-4-5
Vinstsumma ca $116 370
1881 One Thousand Guineas Stakes (GB)
1881 Oaks Stakes (GB)
Doncaster Cup (GB)
Ascot Gold Vase (GB)
Farfadern Galopin
- Född: 1872-1899 (27 år gammal)
- Ras: Engelskt Fullblod
- Härstamning: e.Vedette u.Flying Duchess
- Utmärkelser: Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland
- Avkommor i katalogen: 112 st
11 starter: 10-1-0
Vinstsumma ca $43650
Fern Hill Stakes (Ascot, 5fT) 1874
New Stakes (Ascot, 5fT) 1874
Derby Stakes (Epson, 12fT) 1875
Newmarket Derby (Newmarket, 12 fT) 1875
Fern Hill Stakes (Ascot, 5fT) 1875
Trea i:
Middle Park Stakes (Newmarket, 6fT) 1874
Galopin har lämnat 1 "svårklassavkommor" som finns i Hästkatalogen:
Övriga framgångsrika hästar
Galopin har lämnat 1 hästar som finns i Hästkatalogen som utmärkt sig:
f.1881, Engelskt Fullblod
Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland 1901, Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland 1901, Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Leading sire in Great Britain and Ireland , Lead